Friday, November 29, 2013

Positive Reinforcement

When I spoke to Tim, the behavior modification specialist, the first thing he did was ask me what I did when Prince bit me.  I told him that I immediately corrected him by saying "No" in a very loud, firm voice.

"What does he do then?" he asked.

"He usually just bites me again, until he gets tired of it," I admitted.

"I'd like for you to try something new," he said.  "Positive reinforcement.  Every time you walk Prince, and you've covered so much distance, and he hasn't bitten you, I want you to give him a treat and tell him good dog.  Then I want you to call me back and let me know how it worked."

I said I would, and the following day, I got a bag of chopped meat ready, put it into the breast pocket of my coat, and set out with Prince.  After we  had walked past the entrance of the park and stopped approximately a quarter of a mile past it, I took out the bag of treats, said "Good dog" and gave him one.

Prince stared at me in astonishment before he snapped the treat up.

This might work, I thought, and continued on the walk, figuring I would give him another treat after approximately another quarter of a mile.  I was actually feeling pretty good about it, thinking it might work...until Prince hurled himself onto me.

Stunned, I tried to ward him off, but he persisted at nipping at me, and my coat, until he had snatched the packet of treats from my pocket, torn it open and consumed the entire bag of treats in a single gulp.  Then he jumped on me again and gave me several more nips for good measure, as if punishing me for having treats that he hadn't know about.

The following day, I called Tim and told him about the unfortunate consequences of the experiment.  He next suggested that each time Prince jumped on me and nipped me, I should fold my arms and turn my back on him.

With some trepidation, I followed his advice the following day, only to have Prince leap up on my back and rake the back of my head with his teeth.  At this point, near tears, I returned home and informed him of this new development.

He suggested I consider early neutering.

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