Sunday, July 13, 2014

Prince and the Angry Skunk

Since we happen to live by a rather large wooded area, a variety of wild animals have walked past our yard and through it over the years, including raccoon, possums, deer, coyotes and, unfortunately, skunks.  One memorable summer evening, I was unlucky enough to let Prince out into the yard when one of the latter happened to be moseying along under our apple tree.

For years, I had been reading (and hearing) about other people's dogs' encounters with skunks, and had even looked up the recipe to get rid of the odor just in case it should happen to my dog.  Oddly enough, only a week earlier, a friend of my boyfriend's had been unlucky enough to have a skunk/dog encounter in his backyard, with the expected consequences.

Of course, as with everything else that happened with Prince, this, too, turned out to have an unexpected ending.

The instant I let Prince out in the yard, I sensed (or smelled?) that I had made a mistake of possibly epic proportions.  Prince, too, immediately realized that we had a visitor, but instead of displaying any prudence whatsoever, he went tearing after it, ignoring my screams of dismay.
Prince Contemplating His Good Luck

In the darkness, I could just make out Prince's silhouette as he landed on top of the skunk, and heard it snarl at him in a vicious manner.  I got ready to hold my breath, but the poor creature, obviously stunned by Prince's lack of respect for it (and perhaps by his size) never paused long enough to emit the slightest drop of skunk spray.  Instead, he fled for the fence, with Prince in hot pursuit, dove underneath it with a loud clanging noise and disappeared back into the forest, never to return.

Perhaps Prince just had a moment of exceptional luck, or maybe the skunk was simply too stunned by his audacity, but luck was certainly on his side that night.  I have, of course, exercised even more caution since that time when letting him out at night, and yes, I do still have the remedy to wash him in the event that he is not so lucky the next time.

Oddly enough, though, I have never had another skunk come into my yard...and hopefully never will.

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